25 February, 2008

Cainii nimanui...

O problema intotdeauna de actualitate... cainii comunitari. Se pare ca devine un subiect de interes pentru autoritatile locale numai cand apare un focar de rabie sau cand cineva este atacat de cainii fara stapan din Iasi.

Acestea sunt doar cateva exemplare, fara sa fac un prea mare efort in a le gasi... La pasajul de la Tigarete si langa statia Peco din intersectia Bucsinescu (mai nou, langa Hotelul Dorobanti). Cel putin la trecerea peste calea ferata de la Tigarete, nici nu mai stii catre ce sa iti indrepti atentia, catre trenuri sau catre cainii care misuna prin zona...

Poate vom trai sa vedem cu ochii nostri mult promisa pasarela "Octav Bancila", care ar rezolva multe din problemele celor din Dacia si Alexandru. Insa pana la concretizarea acestui proiect, cred ca va mai trece ceva timp...

18 February, 2008

Open Development Day in Iasi

Hello World!

When: February 23rd, 2008, 10:30am

Where: World Trade Center, Iasi

What: Eclipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. A large and vibrant ecosystem of major technology vendors, innovative start-ups, universities, research institutions and individuals extend, complement and support the Eclipse platform.

Embarcadero, together with AIESEC, JoobsIT and Lugera&Makler are proud organizers of the Open Source Development conference, this year dedicated to Eclipse technology.

“Plug-in Development 101: The Fundamentals”, presenter Wassim Melhem

Abstract: Eclipse is a platform that has been designed from the ground up for building integrated, extensible applications.
This presentation takes an in-depth look at the plug-in, the fundamental building block of Eclipse.
You will learn how to use the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) to create, develop, test, debug and deploy an Eclipse plug-in.
Attendees are expected to leave the tutorial with a good understanding of the Eclipse plug-in component model and the plug-in development lifecycle.

Speaker bio: Wassim Melhem is a program manager for Embarcadero Technologies and an Eclipse committer. Prior to this, Wassim spent seven years at IBM where he led the Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) for four years (2003-2007). He spent the early part of his career sequencing DNA and implementing XML and Java code-generating tools for the MQSeries family of runtimes. Wassim holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with honors in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. His Eclipse-related blog can be found here.

More info on AIESEC website.

13 February, 2008

Masina parasita in parcare

Dupa cum am promis Ieseanului suparat acum ceva timp, revin cu poza masinii parasite din parcarea din Dacia, de pe strada Amurgului, langa Scoala nr. 39.

Nu va speriati, acelea nu sunt transee... desi semana foarte bine... Se schimba conductele CET... un lucru foarte bun si necesar, numai daca nu ar dura atat de mult si nu ar rezulta in urma lor niste drumuri de toata frumusetea pe care cei responsabili uita sa le readuca la forma lor initiala.

08 February, 2008